Sell yourself short! - Hussain Firyal
- What on earth is the stock market? For entrepreneurs
“While older generations have had the unenviable, and almost forgotten, battle with acquiring information. This generation has at its disposal an abundance of information which comes with a totally different challenge. The challenge is in sifting through the clutter to get to the most relevant and most reliable information for a specific purpose. Sell Yourself Short! seeks to address that exact problem specifically for share trading.
It provides you with the right information for a layperson – like myself – who’s always envied those in tailored suits who constantly boast about their shares on the stock market. The funny thing is that the tailored suit brigade always use fancy industry jargon to confuse you and, again, to come across as highly intelligent. BE NOT AFRAID… Sell Yourself Short! is here!
This handy handbook has made me realise how active one has been as a “layperson” in the stock market albeit indirectly. It simplifies industry jargon and at the same time gives you a deeper understanding of the different concepts.
Every single person, regardless of class, should read this book.
It is succinctly packaged and extremely easy to read, the witty delivery in most passages makes it even more exciting!”
Siphiwe Dondolo
(Managing Director and Co-founder of SET Secondments)
“Entrepreneurs have an abundance of many things – energy, persistence, courage – but time is sadly not one of them. That’s why this book is so useful. Firyal Hussain helps busy people take the crucial first steps toward realizing their long-term financial goals.
Engaging and insightful, she explains the fundamentals of stock investing in a delightfully accessible style that allows her readers to get up to speed and get back to running their businesses.
This is a truly useful, jargon–free introduction to a most important topic”
Ryan Hoover
(Investment Analyst and Writer)
“Very well done, great explanations (very clear) and a good light style. Definitely not a waste of time to read.”
Muhammed Sheik
(Qassim University Lecturer - Economics)
EAN: 9781482875799