What You Might Find - Richard Holt
- Short Stories
A collection of microfiction and short stories by Australian author and artist, Richard Holt.
Richard Holt invites readers into corners that become dark, into places in which they do not belong and into moments that will change things utterly for his imperfect protagonists. The stories in What you might find grapple with misunderstandings, the weight of pasts and the moments when fates change course.
Richard Holt’s stories are truly addictive: perfectly formed, funny and tragic glimpses under the surface of life.
TONI JORDAN, Our Tiny, Useless Hearts
Richard Holt's work combines unique storytelling voices, finely crafted stories and an appreciation of the particular constraints and possibilities of flash fiction.
CALUM KERR, Director, National Flash-Fiction Day (UK)
In the fewest of words, Richard Holt evokes powerful moods, morally complex stories, immersive settings, and characters that are heartbreakingly human. His stories are a deft blending of literary and vernacular voices.
RICHARD HOLT is a writer from Melbourne. His microfiction has been published by Spineless Wonders (Stoned Crows…, 2012, Writing To The Edge, 2013, Flashing The Square, 2014, Out of Place, 2105, Landmarks, 2017), Cuttlefish, Visible Ink, and by UK publisher, Gumbo Press. His short stories have been published in Visible Ink, Etchings, Victorian Writer, Best Australian Sports Writing (Random House, 1997) and online in the Irish Literary Review. He was a Semi-Finalist in the Raymond Carver Short Story Competition, 2016, and is a past winner of the Antipodes Sorrento Short Story Competition. His poetry is included in Australian Love Poems (Inkerman ' Blunt, 2013) and has been broadcast on Radio National and 3RRR. His non-fiction writing has appeared in journals including ArtLink, World Art, Art Monthly and AR (Architecture Review) and his creative non-fiction has appeared in a number of collections of sports writing. He also produces text-based videos, artworks and interactive text-based installations for public spaces, and was co-founder of Melbourne zine store, Sticky. He is a former recipient of a Maurice Saxby Mentorship for Children’s Writers and Illustrators and was Bayside Writer in Residence in 2013.
EAN: 9781925052367