Pesakh, Passover - Jim Appel Rabbi
Passover is one of the most important Appointed Times of the Bible. Rabbi Jim explains that the Passover Seder is a Covenant Renewal Meal, designed and commanded by God for renewing His Covenant each year with the Israelites.
Rabbi Jim teaches what Passover is all about and shows, with Scriptural evidence, how Yeshua (Jesus) built on this Covenant and on the traditional Passover Seder to establish the Covenant Renewal Meal for the New Covenant.
You will learn the heart-touching connections between the Passover ceremonial traditions and the Last Supper and Communion. You will become profoundly more grateful for what Yeshua’s sacrifice accomplished, and more deeply encouraged by the promises Yeshua wants us to remember as we celebrate Passover and commemorate His death until He returns.
Included in the book, at the end, are the notes to Rabbi Jim's Seder that he has been leading for decades. Guests to his Seder speak of being profoundly blessed and moved; some have also reported amazing physical healing.
We are pretty confident that you will not be the same after reading this book.
Here are just a few of the many amazing things this book offers:
- How different the Seder was for Rabbi Jim after he accepted Messiah Yeshua
- The significance of Shabbat HaGadol and how it connects to Palm Sunday
- Ten different kinds of khametz (leaven) we need to remove from our lives
- The Seder is a Covenant Renewal Meal that Yeshua built upon
- The mystery of why Yeshua had to be silent
- The mystery of the two kinds of freedom. Very interesting!
- The deeper meaning and personal application of the four cups
- The many New Covenant promises Yeshua gave us
- How foot washing can improve your ministry’s effectiveness
and much, much more!
PLUS!! At the back of the book,
The complete set of notes for leading a deeply meaningful Seder yourself.
Rabbi Jim’s own personal notes for his well-loved, well-attended, powerfully profound community Seder. Guests speak of being deeply moved and some have reported amazing physical healing.
Visit Olive Press Publisher to learn more.
1. What is a Passover Seder?
2. Plague of the Firstborn
3. Mixed Multitude
4. The Servant and The Son
5. Removing Khametz
6. Two Seders
7. Must Be Ritually Pure
8. Yeshua’s Purity Paradigm Shift
9. Shabbat HaGadol
10. The Unblemished Lamb
11. Yeshua, The Passover Lamb: Parallels and Tradition
12. Costly and Spotless
13. Silent as a Lamb
14. Even Intentional Sin
15. Footwashing, Servanthood
16. Washing Feet in Ministry, Finding Felt Needs
17. Covenant Meal, Renewing Old, Establishing New
18. Renewing the New: Promises and Conditions
19. The Cups of the Covenant
10. Children and Passover
Appendix A: Passover Seder Notes
Appendix B: Yeshua’s Last Seder Scriptural Outline
EAN: 9781941173367