Prophecy on the River - Judith Hoch
- My Journey to Waitaha
Lights with no apparent source, heating her back while she walks along a riverbank, initiate American anthropologist Judith Hoch into an inspiring process of spiritual renewal. In this vividly written memoir, Judith describes what happened when she and her husband restored newly-purchased New Zealand land to native forest. It quickly becomes a spiritual as well as ecological task—and proves far more difficult than she ever anticipated.
Faced with a challenging environment and hostile neighbours, Judith is surprised to find the degradation of the land is not just physical, but has spiritual and ancestral components that urgently need to addressed. Guided by her Miami-based spiritual advisor, Ernesto Picardo,and working with her Waitaha Māori friend, Aroha Ropata, Judith connects to the spiritual forces she needs for her ecological efforts to succeed.
EAN: 9780995120341