From Campus to Corner Office - Odom Curtis L.
- How Co-Ops and Internships Will Help You Win in the Workplace!
Many believe that grades are all that matter for admission to graduate school or to land a good entry-level job right out of college. That thinking is dead wrong. Colleges are the first to say that you need more than a degree. As a former hiring manager and current college professor, I can confirm that prospective employees with work experience are more attractive than those without.
The current job market has created a demand for those with paid internships or structured cooperative learning (co-op) work experience while in school. Those with it rise to the top. That is why such experience is now an essential graduation requirement. Gaining a hands-on understanding of the industry you’re interested in impresses a potential employer. Many students find their chosen industry so compelling that an internship or co-op cements their college major and career decision. Some, however, find the industry so boring that it leads them to change their plans. But it’s better to learn that lesson during a one-semester internship, or six-month co-op, than after a year or more as a full-time employee.
Whether it is a paid or volunteer status, a co-op or internship will increase your confidence and savvy while exhibiting dedication and responsibility. Finding the right placement can be tricky, and planning your effort is vital to getting it right from the start! The advice and guidance I give in this book will improve your opportunities and help you create your personal career strategy to go from college campus to corner office in today’s workplace.
--Dr. Curtis Odom
EAN: 9781937592790