Say it When You Mean it - Attri Raman K.
- Poetic Expressions by a Non-Poet
This book is a collection of very simple expressions written and presented in the form of the poetic verses. This collection of 27 poems included in this book represents phases every normal boy would go through in his twenties towards adulthood. This book is an attempt to tell the world that a simple expression or thought if you mean to say it with all your heart, can and will become a piece of poetic expression.
The poems in the book are presented in seven sections: “The Sight” section include the poetic work to express what it may feel like when one sees the most special person for the first time. That’s the beginning, though not all first sights transient into love. The next section “The Love” includes the poems expressing the transformation one may feel during the love. “The Promise” section presents the expressions that signify the promises we tend to make when we are in love. “The Memories” section is meant for those poetic expressions which express how one may feel while away from his/her beloved ones. “The Adieu” section is an inevitability that occurs in any relationship and is expressed through some poems in this section. “The Cycle” represents those poetic expressions that life does not stop at one place or one person. The cycle starts again, but it does leave some lessons. “The Lessons” section includes some general poetic verses written at a spur of the moment.
EAN: 9789811408281