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By Right of Conquest - George A. Henty
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By Right of Conquest - George A. Henty

  • With Cortez in Mexico
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With 67 pages of additional articles, references, and bibliographies of recommended reading. The 16th Century was one of exploration and conquest. Magellan sailed around the world, Coronado searched for the Seven Cities of Gold, and Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama to find the Pacific Ocean on the other side. But none had a greater impact on world history than Hernando Cortez and his conquest of the Aztec Empire. By 1519, when Cortez arrived, the Aztecs had conquered most of what we now call Mexico and established a tribute-based empire head-quartered in Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City). Cortez allied himself with the Aztecs' long-time enemy, the Confederacy of Tlaxcala, eventually defeating the Aztecs and integrating Mexico into the Spanish Empire. Henty's story revolves around a shipwrecked Englishman by the name of Roger Hawkshaw. Based loosely on the real-life adventures of a Francisan friar by the name of Gerónimo de Aguilar, Hawkshaw learns the native languages and culture, and later becomes an invaluable aide to Cortez. By Right of Conquest is a fascinating story in which Henty has no qualms about describing the barbarity of both the Aztecs and the Spaniards. Henty's History Series Learning History Through Fiction The Henty series is a unique way of learning about history. It consists of over 80 novels, each written by George A. Henty, and each featuring a significant historical person, period or event. * Perfect for busy people who have never lost their desire to learn. * An ideal way for homeschool students to learn history. * Organized by time period. * With additional nonfiction articles and a bibliography of recommended reading. "If you want to fall in love with history, there is simply no better way to do it than this."

EAN: 9781611791129
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George A. Henty
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