Mid-Life Crisis MANagement - Rennie Henri 'RENOIR'
- A Quiet Word: The Bloke's Guide to Surviving Middle Age and Male Menopause
Why do some men struggle with life when they hit their 40's? Depression. Stress. Poor decisions. Suicide. Menopause in men IS real, and not the same as women get. This book explores what it is, what other factors affect men as they age, and a range of treatment and prevention options both 'conventional' and 'alternative'. And it does so in simple terms, demystifying some of the confusing or intimidating jargon some health practitioners use.
Blokes often don't talk about their health problems. And if they do, many of them don't like to admit it when they don't quite understand what they've been told. Renoir isn't a medical professional, but he's spoken to plenty of people who are, and distilled what they've told him into terms a regular bloke can understand.
This is a book to be dipped into quietly by men concerned about their health, whatever their age, to find some help and some encouragement.
EAN: 9780994617484