I was looking for love - Bianca Grootfaam
- Powers on the earth
Bianca is born and raised in the Netherlands. She has experienced the ups and downs that living a life with focus on materials can bring along. The prison was the place that God used to change her.
The non-fiction story in this book is about me and some of the situations my family members and I went through. I rather not talk about others, but you need to understand what my background is and what my foundation was made of in order to understand my struggle in life. I want you to learn from my mistakes. All I can tell you in short about my story is that I was looking for love. Are you too looking for love?
It is necessary for you to understand that there is a power that guides your destiny. There are two kinds of power in the world; GOD’s power, and the power of evil. When you read my story you will understand which power was controlling me in the past and which power guides me now.
You must choose which power you want to have in charge of your life. Once you make the right decision, you will experience that love will flow to you in abundance.
EAN: 9789492266019