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Sable and White - The Autobiography of a Show Collie (A Vintage Dog Books Breed Classic) - Gordon Stables
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Sable and White - The Autobiography of a Show Collie (A Vintage Dog Books Breed Classic) - Gordon Stables

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SABLE AND WHITE. THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A SHOW COLLIE By Gordon Stables A VINTAGE DOG BOOKS CLASSIC REPRINT This moving but charming novel of a collie's turbulent life, was first published in 1893. It is now both expensive and very hard to find in its first edition. VINTAGE DOG BOOKS have republished it, using the original text and beautiful engravings and illustrations by Harrison Weir and Miss Winifred Austen. "Luath" is a sable and white collie of excellent parentage. His story is told in the first person. It takes the reader through his doggie life with its idyllic puppy days, then on through many terrible experiences, interspersed with some happier adventures, to his eventual retirement. A series of owners, some kind, some cruel, use him for both gain and pleasure. From the show benches of that era, to the sad world of lost dogs, life with the gypsies and numerous other escapades, our hero, oft accompanied by his Pug chum, Jim, tells a thrilling tale of a dogs life in Victorian England. This lengthy work consists of two hundred and seventy nine pages illustrated with vintage engravings. It will prove a fascinating read for all dog lovers, and especially for the collie enthusiast. "And the dog is still the faithful, Still the loving friend of man Ever ready at his bidding, Doing for him all he can." Many of the earliest dog books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. VINTAGE DOG BOOKS are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.

EAN: 9781846640582
Kod produktu
Gordon Stables
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