A Student's Seneca - Seneca
- Ten Letters and Selections from De Providentia and De Vita Beata
Born in 4 b.c., Seneca lived during one of the most turbulent times in Roman history. He served as tutor and then adviser to the emperor Nero, witnessing firsthand many crimes and debaucheries. His experiences led him to turn away from public life and retreat into philosophical contemplation. A leading proponent of Stoicism, he has influenced writers and thinkers throughout the centuries.
Seneca’s letters and essays are ideally suitable for intermediate- level Latin students. Written in a clear and crisp style, they are universal in scope and psychological in orientation. For this edition, M. D. Usher has arranged the selections by theme, length, and degree of difficulty. Usher also provides line-by-line notes on grammar, style, and content, and a vocabulary listing all Latin words found in the texts.
EAN: 9780806137445