Empath Empowerment in 30 Days - Rose Rosetree
Are you among the 1 in 20 people born as an empath? Then you’re a Highly, Highly Sensitive Person, ultra-perceptive. Only... ever notice? Seemingly beyond your control, being an empath can weaken your sense of “Who am I?”
Empath Empowerment® is the only trademarked system in America for helping empaths to stop suffering in ways that aren’t about being sensitive but, rather, result from having an empath’s highly porous aura. Important, since 1 in 20 people born as an empath!
This book offers a systematic course for gaining excellent skills as an empath. All readers need do is read one (fast-moving, entertaining) chapter per day. Then do a bit of homework. In 10 minutes a day, readers will become skilled empaths in just 30 days.
Clearly written, with illustrations, this how-to includes a clear explanation of what happens to all unskilled empaths, whether they know it or not: “Unskilled empath merge.” This subconscious-level habit deposits “STUFF” in the empath’s aura, a particular kind of problem that happens only to empaths. Only the skills that readers learn here will break this unproductive habit, leading to more mental clarity, more stable emotions, and a stronger sense of self.
Written by America’s most experienced empath coach, this book was originally published in 2009 as “Become The Most Important Person in the Room: Your 30-Day Plan to Empath Empowerment.” This revised version of the material has been significantly improved, in keeping with the author’s experience teaching empaths worldwide.
Find more information about Empath Empowerment at the author’s website, www.rose-rosetree.com. This book is #1 of 4 in a series of Empath Empowerment Books, designed to help empaths use their full potential in life.
EAN: 9781935214465