Redneck Spirituality Book Three - Frank E. Egorhh
- Illuminated Redneck Thoughts From the Pot
In this book we’re taking spiritual law to the true nitty-gritty of life—like corn cobs out in what grandpaw called, “the outhouse.”
Have you ever used an outhouse? I have. Sitting on that rough wood hole sawed into that board, wondering what may be crawling on the bottom side—half expecting that whatever it may be, will bite me on the ass. And then besides the stink, there are the flies—Yeah, that’s what this book is like—the REALITY of life! Spirituality is not something you only experience on Sundays. Life—all of it—is a spiritual experience.
And those spiritual laws—you better believe they are REAL. Break them, and your ass will indeed get bitten, your life will stink, and then there’s those flies. They’re sort of like many of your acquaintances, and maybe even some relatives. You know---those folks who still live their lives by the lies we’ve all been taught to believe. They’ll buzz around, trying to distract you, and invite you back, wanting you to be like them—to be who you used to be.
Most are unable to see how functional your life is now when living these laws. Or, if seeing it, are jealous: they lack your courage to play in the game. Most are only here to observe, not to play out here on the field of life. Maybe that's because this time it has rained. But hey, every child knows that the game of life is best played down and dirty---in the mud.
Yeah, this book is like that---the down and dirty redneck version of the spiritual laws. Played out here in the field, behind Grandpa's outhouse.
EAN: 9781732732896