Talks with Mussolini - Emil Ludwig
- Unusual Conversations
The following conversations took place in the Palazzo di Venezia at Rome, being held almost daily for an hour at a time between March 23 and April 4, 1932, boti dates inclusive, We talked Italian, and each conversation was recorded by me in German as soon as it was finished. Only a few sentences from earlier conversations have been introduced into this book. The German manuscript was submitted to Mussolini, who checked the passages in which his own utterances were recorded. No material other than the before-mentioned has been incorporated, but I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Margherita Sarfatti for a good many hints conveyed to mein her biography. I have madenouseof the numberless anecdotes current in Rome; and I have ignored the reports of Mussolini's collaborators, informative though these are. In a word, the talks consist of what actually passed in conversation between Mussolini and myself.
EAN: 9781947488137