Transference Countertransference (Chiron Clinical Series)
Now in its fifth reprint! Fundamental issues of transference and countertransference are examined in such areas as sexual acting-out, dreams, eating disorders, successful and unsuccessful interventions, borderline disorders, and psychological types. Papers by Schwartz-Salant, Woodman, Stein, De Shong Meador, and Beebe, among others.
Volume Contains:
Nathan Schwartz-Salant, Archetypal Factors Underlying Sexual Acting-Out in the Transference/ Countertransference Process
James A. Hall, Dreams and Transference/ Countertransference: The Transform ative Field
Marion Woodman, Transference and Countertransference in Analysis Dealing with Eating Disorders
Murray Stein, Power, Shamanism, and Maieutics in the Countertransference
William B. Goodheart, Successful and Unsuccessful Interventions in Jungian Analysis: The Construction and Destruction of the Spellbinding Circle
Harriet Gordon Machtiger, Reflections on the Transference/ Countertransference Process with Borderline Patients
John Beebe, Psychological Types in Transference, Countertransference, and the Therapeutic Interaction
Betty De Shong Meador, Transference/Countertransference Between Woman Analyst and the Wounded Girl Child
Florence L. Wiedemann, Mother, Father, Teacher, Sister: Transference/Countertransference Issues with Women in the First Stage of Animus Development
EAN: 9781630512460