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38 Colon Cancer Meal Recipes - Joe Correa
AutorzyJoe Correa
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38 Colon Cancer Meal Recipes - Joe Correa

  • Vitamin Packed Foods That the Body Needs To Fight Back Without Using Drugs or Pills
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38 Colon Cancer Meal Recipes: Vitamin Packed Foods That the Body Needs To Fight Back Without Using Drugs or Pills

By Joe Correa CSN


Colon cancer is a cancer of the large intestines and is one of the most common forms of malignant diseases in the world. It forms with uncontrolled degenerative cell growth in the large intestines. About 5% of men and 3% of women will develop this serious disease in their lifetime. These statistics are surprising and should make you consider changing your lifestyle and diet habits as soon as possible.

We still don't know what exactly causes colon cancer, but most doctors agree that a modern, Western diet high in fats and low in fibers increases the risk of this disease. These highly processed, unnatural, and unhealthy foods lead to chronic inflammatory diseases of the colon by affecting the microbes that live in it, which leads to cell degeneration. This is a good reason why you should focus more on eating healthy organic foods rather than jumping from one diet to another that often offer empty promises. Foods you have to include on a daily basis are: fresh fruits and vegetables, organic fish and poultry, nuts, seeds, and legumes. In order to clean your gastrointestinal tract and reduce the risk of colon cancer, your diet must be primarily based on beans, lentil, peas, and other foods that are high in folate. Along with valuable fiber, these foods are an enormous source of vitamin B that will protect your colon cells from damage.

This book is a valuable compilation of well-balanced recipes that will please everyone and give your body the optimal amount of nutrients it needs. They are based on real and healthy foods without any major restrictions you might be expecting. Changing your habits in order to improve your health and prevent colon cancer, will allow you to live a happier life. You need simple guidelines to get you to be more conscious of what you should be eating to boost your metabolism and help your body fight off this disease.

The choice to pick up this book and do something about your health is probably one of the best choices you've made. It will provide plenty of recipes for every single day, from easy breakfast recipes and snacks to quick lunch and fancy dinner options. It will solve, once and for all, the constant everyday dilemma of what to eat. These recipes will fit into anyone’s schedule and taste preferences.

EAN: 9781635315868
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