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Healthy Diet Book - Minnie Phillips

Healthy Diet Book - Minnie Phillips

  • Dieting Recipe Selection
81,34 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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The Healthy Diet Book covers dieting foods recipes, comfort food recipes, and the blood type diet. All of the recipes follow healthy diet plans which include ingredients that are made from healthy diet foods. You will enjoy good dieting tips along with the healthy diet recipes and even recipes from the comfort food diet. The Healthy Diet Book features these sections: Dieting Cookbook, Low Fat Recipes: The Basic Weight Loss Recipes, Low Carbohydrate Recipes: Somewhat Misunderstood but Very Helpful for Weight Loss, Muscle Building Recipes to Boost the Metabolism, Fish Recipes to Lose Weight, Raw Food Diet Recipes for the Daring, Vegetarian and Vegan Recipes for Weight Loss, Paleolithic Diet Recipes: Turning Back the Clock... A Lot, Breakfast Recipes for Weight Loss, Desserts for the Diet Conscious, A Five-Day Sample Meal Plan, Final Words That Are Not So Final, Comfort Food Diet, Comfort Food - What Is It, Comfort Food Breakfast Recipes, Comfort Food Lunches, Comfort Food Dinners, Comfort Food Desserts, Comfort Food Meal Plan, Eating with Comfort in Mind, Comfort Food - A Summary, Blood Type Diet, What the Opposition Says about Blood Type Diets, Blood Types, Blood Type O Diet, Blood Type A Diet, Blood Type B Diet, Blood type AB Diet, and Blood Type Recipes. A sampling of the included recipes are: Risotto Tomato Rice, Veggies and Goat's Cheese Dip, Spinach Dip with Artichokes, Stick to Your Ribs Shepherd's Pie, Chicken Noodle Soup for a Cold Day, Great Start Peach Oatmeal, Cottage Cheese Dessert and Breakfast Pancakes, Muscle Building Frozen Yogurt Peanut Butter Banana, Mostly Homemade Low Fat Vegetable Lasagna, and Chopped Steak with Mushroom Sauce.

EAN: 9781634280327
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