Legendary Business - Sharon Galluzzo
- From Rats to Riche$
No one likes to admit it, but we all have rats in our businesses. Not actual rodents, but unhelpful habits, poor business practices and gaps in understanding that keep us mediocre, underperforming and trapped. We want success! We want to be legendary! We want the Pied Piper to get rid of our rats!
Since our rats are not actual animals, it’s hard for us to see them. They are very good at hiding in plain sight. You are about to go on a journey with five rats who embody those hard-to-see challenges. Their stories may sound familiar to you. You may even recognize yourself in one or more of our long-tailed villains.
Identifying why our businesses aren’t working the way we want them to work is not easy. For that reason, reading this book is simple. Short chapters with fun characters and actionable items make the task a little lighter.
In this story YOU are the hero. You become the Pied Piper to lead the rats out of your business.
I know these rats. I’ve been some of them, too! Nearly a decade ago my husband and I started a franchise business. Overcoming many of the challenges in this book helped us to be the most successful franchise in the company. Because of our success, I was asked to train business owners. My experiences led to The PLAN Piper and eventually this book.
The concept for Legendary Business was nudged into my consciousness by my friend. She told me to write a book with a story. Like most things for me it didn’t stay that simple. The book morphed into not just one, but five stories. (With more books planned for the future!)
The book is designed to examine one rat at a time. After each biography titled “Oh, Rats!” is a section called “Pay the Piper.” That’s where the fun begins! Real world advice, tips, action items, and more are detailed here. One early manuscript reader said she was going to make a list to remind herself daily of the concepts she found helpful.
You make your own success and success is something only you can define. One thing is certain. Nothing changes until you move. You must be in ACTION. So, don’t just read this book. When you find something you need to change – DO IT. That is the price you must “Pay the Piper” to elevate your business.
Now, go. Read. Take action. Create a Legendary Business
EAN: 9781944662073