Mosses from an Old Manse is a short story collection by Nathaniel Hawthorne that includes:
The Old Manse,
The Birth-mark,
A Select Part,
Young Goodman Brown,
Rappaccini's Daughter,
Mrs. Bullfrog,
Buds and Bird-Voices,
Monsieur du Miroir,
The Hall of Fantasy,
The Celestial Rail-road,
The Procession of Life,
The New Adam and Eve,
Egotism; or, The Bosom-Serpent,
The Christmas Banquet,
Drowne's Wooden Image,
The Intelligence Office,
Roger Malvin's Burial,
P.'s Correspondence,
Earth's Holocaust,
Passages from a Relinquished Work,
Sketches from Memory,
The Old Apple-Dealer,
The Artist of the Beautiful,
A Virtuoso's Collection.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was an American novelist writing centers on New England, many featuring moral allegories with a Puritan inspiration and centering on the inherent evil and sin of humanity.