Afterglow - Richards F.L.
- Moving Beyond the Pain of Loss and Grief
The death of a loved one affects the very fiber that makes us who we are in ways we never could have imagined or anticipated. We are transported to a desert-like wilderness where we must negotiate our way through a new, uncertain and unpredictable terrain. As we move along, we seek out oases that will provide some relief and refreshment. It is in the midst of these moments of discovery that faint images of healing may be glimpsed. That is when we are able to give ourselves permission to commence the task of inner rebuilding and rebirthing.
Afterglow…Moving Beyond the Pain of Loss and Grief is a heartfelt, deeply emotional work in which F. L. Richards not only shares his personal experience of sadness but also describes the beauty of what was, the reality of what is, and the hope-filled possibilities of what might be. His ability to reflect on a shared life of twenty eight years is guided and fueled by words which have become a profound truth he holds close: The pain of loss and grief is not as powerful as the gift of healing.
EAN: 9781604149302