The Rape Nest - Jack Reynolds
Little Sissy Williams’ life had become an unending nightmare of molestation and sexual abuse. Unlike many five year olds, she was aware that what was being done to her was evil and wrong. What she never understood was why.
Many times, after her father or her father’s friend completed violations, she found comfort by acknowledging the presence of her guardian angels. They nurtured her soul and kept her mind whole and hopeful. As a child with protective instincts, she also took it upon herself to protect her angels from the chance of being hurt by her two lifelong abusers.
The angels, Ozz and Chism, were perhaps imaginary, but to her and the many who read her story, they become not only possibilities but also a salvation strong enough to stand up to the evil acts of men who destroy the innocence of children.
Ozz and Chism are torn between the rules of heaven concerning intervention and the love of a child, who they feel is entitled to protection. With their hands ultimately tied by supreme forces, the angels revert to the use of two compassionate human heroes as tools to intervene and ultimately end little Sissy’s constant torment.
Those doing her wrong are finally confronted, and Sissy’s imaginary protector becomes a reality.
EAN: 9781604149401