Remembering Childhood - Leslie Rupley
- Workbook Your Way to a Finished Memoir
Learn how to write a memoir that conveys the powerful feelings that your memories hold. With the help of Leslie Rupley’s expertly crafted vignettes to invoke them, you’ll recapture your cherished remembrances of the people you have known and the poignant events of your early life.
These memoir examples are useful as writing models. Each vignette is paired with writing instructions and blank workbook pages for you to write your own story. With 70 different prompts, you’ll find it a pleasure to assemble ideas and impressions, to write with confidence, and construct a memoir you will be proud to share.
Bonus Jump-Start Your Memoir videos provide tips about how to overcome hurdles that prevent you from initiating, writing and completing an engaging memoir. Scan the embedded links or type in the web address to access them.
(Leslie) guides you on a path of memory and reflection that spurs hand to pen, or computer, to places you thought were tucked away never to surface, but which suddenly have profound meaning and understanding. Take the journey with Leslie and enjoy the ride.
– Sandra E Taradash
“The excitement of reliving my story from the Depression to today, the struggles and the triumphs was so much fun. Now it’s there for posterity. Leslie is a pro.”
– Eileen Bodnar
“Thank you for the marvelous job you did [writing my mother’s memoir]. It’s absolutely beautiful and means so much to all of us to have this incredible treasure. She feels so honored…and she loves the book.”
- Kerri Shawn
EAN: 9780990426226