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Vaccines - This Book Could Remove Your Fear of Childhood Illness - Trevor Gunn
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Vaccines - This Book Could Remove Your Fear of Childhood Illness - Trevor Gunn

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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This book illustrates in both easy to grasp science and holistic overview how certain sectors of the medical community have misinterpreted the fundamental nature of disease thereby creating an unnecessary fear of illness. A fear that has led us to accept seemingly protective vaccines with a desperation that has left us oblivious to their consequences. A solely orthodox medical approach to health & illness conceals the true ease in which serious disease can be avoided and increased health can be attained. The information presented in this book goes a long way towards satisfying the need for uncensored information critical for making effective health choices. The Author Trevor Gunn is a graduate in medical biochemistry, UK registered and practising homeopath. This book is the culmination of over 20 years, investigations, lectures and clinical practise, treating both vaccinated and non-vaccinated patients, including vaccine damaged. Trevor's analyses have also been put under scrutiny; corresponding publicly and directly with the World Health Organisation, representatives at the highest level of the WHO were unable to answer Trevor's critique of vaccines. As the expert witness in one of the first vaccine court cases in the UK, the judge ruled in favour of allowing the defending mother to leave her child unvaccinated. The book also acknowledges the emotions involved in the decision making process, the emotions exploited by the selling of drugs, vaccines or in fact any commercial commodity. As such Trevor delivers vital information, empowering individuals to be in control of their health and to once again feel safe in our world.

EAN: 9780992852221
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