Common Mistakes Writers Make - Eva Marie Everson
Many times I have been asked, 'Will you look at my manuscript and give me your opinion?' Or, 'Will you look at my manuscript and edit it?' I did that for a while, at no cost. Until the day I realized I spent more time editing other people's work for free than I did writing my own, which was my bread and butter.
And with that, the editing arm of my company grew fingers.
I find editing issues in nearly every manuscript, especially those of new writers. I made the same mistakes early on. After discussing the situation with a few of my conference director friends, I decided the time had come to offer Common Mistakes Writers Make as a conference workshop. And so I did.
After one of those conferences, an editor wisely asked, 'Have you thought about putting this workshop into the form of a book?'
I had not until that moment. (Insert smile here.)
What you are about to read is not rocket science. These pages are not filled with English Grammar 101 lessons (although one of the best things you can do for yourself as a writer is to find an old seventh grade English grammar textbook, read it, and complete the exercises).
I don't claim to be the final authority on all the issues, but I know what I know. This book is but a small collection of editing mistakes I often find in the work that comes across my desk (and sometimes by my own hand). It shouldn't take long for you to read it, but when you reach the end of it, I hope you ll have had some aha moments. I'm writing conversationally, by the way, because I pretend I am speaking directly to you as I write, my friend. I'm basically telling you what I think I know.
If you'd like, you can let me know what you think (that is, if you are nice about it) by going to my website and selecting the contact tab.
EAN: 9781941103098