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My Lady, My Spy - Jeane Sheridan

My Lady, My Spy - Jeane Sheridan

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London, 1854 - He’s a spy— Certain truths aren’t his to share…
Frederick Woolsy is Queen Victoria’s finest spy. His mission at the Russian Embassy’s annual ball is one of the most critical ones of his life, but his careful plans end in disaster. The book he was assigned to secure has been stolen and now England and Russia are on the brink of war. Even worse, the love of his life has caught him in another lie (he’s a spy, certain lies are expected). However, in this case, it might mean he’ll lose her forever.

She’s a lady who demands honesty-- above all else
The nights Lady Josephine Harrington spent with Frederick in her bed were glorious... enough to tempt her to consider abandoning her independence as a wealthy widow to spend her life with him. Tonight, he canceled their plans to attend the Russian Embassy’s ball, saying he would be otherwise engaged. Now he’s shown up at the event with his brother. She’s not sure what he's up to, but she’s going to find out…if she doesn’t eviscerate him first. 

Secrets and lies… 
He lives in a world of shadows. She values truth and integrity. If they want to find a future together, something has to change. Fast.

Note from the author:
My books aren't edgy or stomach-churning. If you're looking for something dark and twisty, go elsewhere. If you're looking for something to take your mind off the world for a while and leave you feeling a bit better about life, then this is the book for you!

+ This is not a cliffhanger. Each book's hero and heroine have their own complete romance and HEA (happily ever after). Characters from the books will reappear throughout the series but in supplementary roles.

++ The romance scenes in this book are explicit, but not frequent.

EAN: 9781633030091
Kod produktu
Jeane Sheridan
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Potrzebujesz pomocy? Masz pytania?Zadaj pytanie a my odpowiemy niezwłocznie, najciekawsze pytania i odpowiedzi publikując dla innych.
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