Credo - Rita Banerjee
- An Anthology of Manifestos and Sourcebook for Creative Writing
CREDO. I believe. No other statement is so full of intent and subversion and power. A Credo is a call to arms. It is a declaration. A Credo is the act of
an individual pushing back against society, against established stigmas, taboos, values, and norms. A Credo provokes. It desires change. A Credo
is an artist or community challenging dogma, and putting oneself on the frontline. A Credo is art at risk. A Credo can be a marker of revolution. A
Credo, is thus, the most calculating and simple form of a manifesto. CREDO creates a bridge from the philosophical to the practical, presenting
a triad of creative writing manifestos, essays on the craft of writing, and creative writing exercises. CREDO: An Anthology of Manifestos and Sourcebook
for Creative Writing is a raw look at what motivates authors today.
EAN: 9781936196838