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The Accidental Captain - Glenn Patron

The Accidental Captain - Glenn Patron

  • 20 years of learning to sail by trial and terror
51,48 zł
/ szt.
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Glenn Patron was an asthmatic, bookish and timid kid who spent a great part of  my childhood living a life of adventure vicariously through the  stories he read in the sanctuary of my bedroom in the suburbs of New York City. As an adult, Glenn stumbled through life  on the edge of failure until he met and married an adventurous saltwater lady. Emboldened by her support they found and rebuilt  an abandoned 30’ sloop, commencing a  lifetime journey of humorous mishaps and triumphs that challenged his beliefs, goals and identity.


Sail the the fabulous islands of the Caribbean. St. Barts, Antigua and hear the tale of riding an out of control 41’ sailboat as it tries to insert itself into an upscale restaurant on the island of St. Martin. Be with him  when he discovers  a bargain  56’ yacht in a remote Caribbean fishing village or finds himself on a sinking sailboat in the middle of the North Atlantic ocean and muses, “Was buying a used life raft to save money such a good idea ?”


Readers  will share  experiences  like white knuckle passages through  reefs,  stand-up comedy surrounded by nude models and saving a sinking sailboat in the North Atlantic.


In boredom or panic his blend of hippie beach bum, entrepreneur, stand-up comedian, motorcycle racer and family man makes for engrossing reading.

EAN: 9780997869422
Kod produktu
Glenn Patron
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