The Pentagon of Faith - Donald R. Hayes DTh The Rev. Dr.
- Sacred Theism vs. Secular Humanism - A Christian's Need for the Traditional Faith of Our Fathers
The tenets of the Pentagon of Faith have been developed over a lifetime of observation and study. Through the combination of classroom training and spiritual journeys in Europe from England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Scandinavia to the Middle East from Israel to Jordan; Dr. Hayes has a unique outlook on how Christians express their devotion to God through worship. He discovered that the liturgical worship services of today have their roots in the Shabbat where he gathers with his Messianic Jewish wife (Cynthia Bush) to celebrate the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at Beth Israel Temple in Florence, S.C. Dr. Hayes grew up in the Southern Baptist denomination where evangelical worship abounded but gravitated to the more traditional expression of worship through centuries-old liturgical traditions which have their beginnings in first century Judea, Samaria, and Galilee. Were they still here, C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther, and Francis Schaeffer would all enjoy the truths and evaluations in this book. Flesh versus Spirit, Good versus Evil, Sacred Theism versus Secular Humanism, the Hebrews call it Tob and Ra. The Pentagon of Faith examines our historic faith and helps us understand and navigate the unexpected twists and turns of our lives when we take a cue from the faith of our fathers. Their faith in God and His Son Jesus Christ shows us that eternal life is worth living the traditional faith of our fathers.
EAN: 9781684863648