Lancer - More T. R.
- An Epic Sci-Fi Adventure
One young woman is on a mission to free humanity from the predation of the gods, seeking vengeance at any cost, in this science-fiction adventure.
Deicide is one-part public service, one-part revenge . . . or at least that's why Lilith does it. An operative of the multiverse-spanning Eifni Organization, she travels to new worlds to clear out the local deities before they can eat everyone's souls. It's a tricky process, requiring advanced sociological science and an arsenal of tools weaponizing meaning itself. But a god once tried to eat her, and she's not one to easily forgive.
When Lilith deploys to pre-industrial Theria, she finds their gods aren't willing to go quietly. An ambush masterminded by the Therian goddess of destiny sees the Eifni forces routed. Now the success of the mission rests solely on Lilith's team as she's thrust into an unfamiliar world of political intrigue, shadowy cults, and the ever-present machinations of fate personified.
With the very future of the realm on her shoulders, Lilith will have to transcend any barrier that gets in her way-even if it's her own destiny.
EAN: 9781039474819