Emotional Manipulation - Jaquenod Philippe
- An Assault on Our Democracy
Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It can be easily lost but is never finally won.
(William H. Hastie)
We are living in a period of history where emotions are clouding our better judgment. Our culture is dominated by ideology and we are witnessing the demise of sound, independent intellectual thought.
In this book, Philippe Jaquenod identifies a new set of ten 21st century "virtues", crafted by the new woke "elites". These virtues have perniciously permeated all levels of administration and government and they provide the bad "oxygen" required to sustain the emotional crisis our nation is experiencing.
Some hard questions need to be raised: what can we do to stop our Australian democracy from backsliding? Or are we already so brain washed that we do not even realise that we are innocent pawns in a new game of emotional manipulation?
Written in an easy English language style, this book is essential reading for all informed and thinking Australians; for all who care about the future of their children and grandchildren in this great country of ours.
EAN: 9781923174481