Shall I Not Drink of This Cup? - Christina White
Jesus said, 'The cup which my father hath given me, shall I not drink it?' (John 18:11). This cup that Jesus was talking about is the thing that each of us will have to go through. I could not imagine that my walk with God would be one that would require me to go through many hardships and struggles. This life that I have chosen to live, the Christian life, has sometimes caused me to stand alone among many enemies. I never imagined suffering through some of the things that I suffered through even though the Bible tells me, 'Think it not strange concerning the fiery trail which is to try you . . . you are partakers of Christ's suffering' (1 Peter 4:12-13). I realized I couldn't go through the things that I suffered without his help, and through those trials, my faith grew. The Lord was there with me, strengthening me and preparing the ways for me to take. I was amazed at the level of peace and joy I had in some of my touchiest times. I suffered through so much pain, but there was a price I had to pay to be who God called me to be. Even through the silence of God, I knew he was there with me. I believed him to be true to his word; he never left me or forsook me. Though my pain and suffering were great, they paved the way for me to minister to others the love that God has for each of us. I was challenged by my faith in God to persevere through my pain and suffering because ahead of them were my deliverance and my victory. Regardless of what we have to go through, if we stay faithful and trust in him, we will win because our victory will be inevitable.
EAN: 9781644162842