Luminous in the Owl's Rib - George Kalamaras
In this collection of poetry, Luminous in the Owl's Rib, former Indiana Poet Laureate, George Kalamaras, continues his ongoing project of "seeing one in the other"-poems that explore the interface of the human and natural world. Following his Surrealist forebears, Kalamaras explores the complexity of language, with startling images and juxtapositions, as a vehicle for visionary poetics. Writing a series of poems for musicians (including some of his favorite jazz greats), along with a several elegies for poets dear to him, Kalamaras explores late-night moments of a generative solitude that leave the realms of loneliness, becoming expansive and interconnected. These poems seek to connect our human impulses to the realms of the spiritual and the discursive. In the process, the poems honor the varieties of human and animal experience-mammals, marsupials, and the insect world, even probing the intelligence and "vision" that lie at the heart of molecules. The luminosity in the owl-the profundity of the numinous-Kalamaras shows us, lies inside the owl, even within the intimate space of a rib.
The Sound Behind Water
People are always asking, Which house is this?
They open a door, and my chest sprouts sparrows
They close a window as an avocado dirts to seed
They look for the outline of a tree in fog
It is barely there, behind their water
Beneath the sky
Inside the grass
Is a shape that moves like an eel
In the marsh of your eyes
I see myself struggling for sound
Like a hermit who, even after years of silence,
Can't forget his own name
We are struck to the earth like a bar of scented soap
An egret who has grown an extra leg
I move hesitantly, feeling a larger portion of the world
Weighing less than a ballroom without snow
I float further into myself
Like a clock narrowing as it leaves midnight
Like a thin rug that has taken many years to weave
EAN: 9781948017619