Trading Bullets with the Devil - Kirsten Cross
"You saying you forgot?"
"Forgot what?"
"The promise you made at Al-Qa'im. Anytime, you said. Anywhere. No questions. You'd be there."
"You can't be serious."
"Without me, you're a five-year old pile of vulture shit in the desert."
Former Marine Rebecca "Beck" Tibbet needs help.
Her ex-husband has taken their daughter to live with The Lightbringers.
But what seems like a harmless bunch of Jesus Freaks is actually a devil-worshipping doomsday cult bent on igniting Armageddon.
And with less than 36 hours to go, Beck must reassemble her squad and lead them on one last mission, deep into the cult's hideout in an abandoned gold mine, where she will soon be...
Trading Bullets with the Devil
Published as a trade paperback and eBook
"TRADING BULLETS WITH THE DEVIL is a smart occult thriller that doesn't let up for a second. Highly recommend!" --Kevin Lucia, acclaimed editor and author of THE HORROR AT PLEASANT BROOK
"Steensland and Cross land a knockout punch that is guaranteed to put the reader flat on their back." --Wesley Southard, award winning author of CRUEL SUMMER and WHERE THE DEVIL WAITS
MARK STEENSLAND self-published his first book while in fourth grade and has been telling stories ever since-some of them true. He became a professional journalist before graduating high school, writing about movies for such magazines as Prevue, Millimeter, and American Cinematographer. He holds a bachelor's in film studies from UC Santa Barbara, a master's in creative writing from CSU Sacramento, and an MFA in screenwriting from Chapman University. His award-winning films (including Peekers and The Ugly File) have played in festivals around the world. His first novel-Behind the Bookcase-was published in 2012 by Random House. A movie based on The Special, a novella co-written with James Newman, was released in October 2020. He most recently wrote Jakob's Wife, starring Barbara Crampton.
Kirsten (Kes) Cross has reached her fifth decade and hasn't quite worked out how the hell that even happened yet. She spends her days in a little cottage on Exmoor in Devon with roses around the door (no, really) writing web content to pay the bills while she builds up a bespoke jewelery business. In between, she writes the occasional scary-as-all-heck stuff and has been a regular contributor to SNAFU from the very first outing. Her story, "Sucker of Souls" was included in the Emmy award-winning Love, Death ' Robots. She has no idea how that happened, but says it was fun being sprinkled by a bit of Hollywood magic. When not writing or making shiny things, she spends the rest of her time travelling around the country on her beloved British Army Armstrong motorcycle, occasionally stopping and pointing at the scenery for no apparent reason.
EAN: 9781964780122