Missy's Clan Basket Case - Berna Cristina
A basket case is of course someone who is whackoo or looney. We use the term in a slightly different meaning. We already showed cats in baskets in Missy's Clan Education, but we have some more pictures to share with you.
Playing with baskets was by accident.
We start with Cottonball occupying a basket that we had been using for mushrooming and left on the living room window sill. That was funny enough for a picture.
Many times, funny situations happen and you do not have a camera ready so you don't get a picture.
Eventually you get round to try to have a camera ready nearby. But when someone is able to show you always these funny situations, you get to wonder if they are instructed and not really just happening. We bought some Spring flowers over in the supermarket and they were in this nice basket with the long handle. The handle was to protect the flowers from being crushed during transport and sale.
EAN: 9788099813565