Neodymium Apocalypse, Part 2 - Jen Finelli
Njandejara loves scandalously.
The universe is barreling toward heat death. Interdimensional energy beings see matter-based life forms as an energy-consuming plague-and to support their case, sentients do have a habit of destroying every world we touch. Either matter-beings will be forced to give back the energy we've co-opted, or we need someone else to fill that deficit.
Njandejara is the Progenitor energy being, and the only life-form with enough juice to stop the drain. Unlike the other interdimensionals, he's deeply in love with matter, and would gladly give all of himself to save these little worlds.
But Njandejara can't die. It's physically impossible. If he could, the Universe that depends on him would spiral into nothingness. Not nonexistence, but a harsh, hellish, meaninglessness.
There's a little bioship hopping from planet to planet trying to stop the heat death, though. And on board they have Njandejara's greatest vulnerability. With death at the end of the road, either they're about to save the Universe ... or they'll be the ones to damn it forever.
EAN: 9781680577068