Why My Heart is Purple - Matthew Sims
This book brings to life the firsthand account of Matthew Sims who earned three Purple Hearts while serving as Combat Medic "Doc Sims." He lived through the Iraq and Afghanistan battlefields answering cries that few have ever heard, the call that rings out when a Soldier, Marine, Sailor, or Airman is hit-"MEDIC!" It also tells the story of a unique group of Americans whose job it is to save others' lives while risking their own. They often have to make a split-second decision to either leave their protected position and scramble to the side of the casualty or wait until the small-arms fire subsides. The 219 medical personnel profiled in this book all paid the ultimate price in the performance of their duty from 2001 to 2008 in Iraq and Afghanistan. We must not allow ourselves to forget the sacrifices these American heroes made in supporting their fellow service members.
EAN: 9781601269539