Dead Reckonings No. 36 (Fall 2024) - Houstoun Alex
Table of Contents
A Return to Horrific Form ........... Greg Gbur
Laird Barron, Not a Speck of Light.
A Dark Magician Meets a Victorian Sleuth ........... Leigh Blackmore
Randall Collins, The Case of the Philosophers' Ring by Dr John H. Watson: A Novel.
Some Notes on a Necroentity: Reflections on NecronomiCon Providence 2024 ........... Edward Guimont
Ramsey's Rant: Taking My Shape ........... Ramsey Campbell
The Hollowing of Hatred ........... Géza A. G. Reilly
Scott R. Jones, Drill.
Traducteur pour Le Fantastique: Brian Stableford, 1948-2024 ........... The joey Zone
Ligotti and the Tradition of Wishful Selfhood ........... Katherine Kerestman
Midsummer Shamblings: NecronomiCon Providence et al. ........... Darrell Schweitzer
The Four-Fifteen Express ........... Amelia B. Edwards
Ars Necronomica 2024: A Portal into Bleakness and Wonder ........... The joey Zone
The Canadian Brick Wall ........... Géza A. G. Reilly
Michael Kelly, ed., Northern Nights.
A Truly Haunting Haunting ........... Darrell Schweitzer
David Lowry, dir., A Ghost Story.
Cultists Invade Providence: Reflections on NecronomiCon 2024 ........... David T. Zeppieri
The Lingering Shadow of World War II ........... S. T. Joshi
Ramsey Campbell, The Incubations.
Portable Gothic: A Few Thoughts on Place ........... Karen Joan Kohoutek
Updating Blackwood's "The Willows" ........... Darrell Schweitzer
T. Kingfisher
"The Earth Alone Lasts:" The Myth of Meaning in the Speculative Fiction of Robert W. Chambers ........... Katherine Kerestman
Robert W. Chambers, Robert W. Chambers, ed. S. T. Joshi.
When Everything Is Wrong and Nothing Is for Anyone ........... Géza A. G. Reilly
Robert Guffey, The Expectant Mother Disinformation Hand-book.
About the Contributors
EAN: 9781614984634