Finding Peace In Between - Phoebe Garnsworthy
Anything that you want can be yours. You just need to believe in yourself. Believe you are worthy of receiving it. Believe you are going to achieve it. And work hard for it. Every single day. Your success is a combination of what you put in and the magic from the universe. It's not one or the other, it has always been both. But what happens when you are doing everything that you can, but your manifestations are simply not coming? You're taking inspired action, setting your intentions clearly, and aligning with your path, but nothing is happening. And not only is nothing changing but you are being handed the exact opposite of what you want. Do you give up? Or do you keep going? And if you keep going, how? When your whole world is flipped upside down, forcing you to live with uncertainty? Your confidence is shaking, and your faith in the universe is breaking, how do you persevere with resilience? What do you do when your manifestations simply aren't working? Let me show you the pathway forward.
Inside this book, you will find a comprehensive guide to overcoming manifestation obstacles, complete with journaling prompts, practical exercises, meditations, and transformative activities designed to empower your manifesting potential. From soul-searching shadow work to energy healing techniques, each chapter addresses a specific reason as to why your manifestations might be stalled and helps to provide you with concrete solutions to move forward.
You'll discover:
• Powerful techniques to strengthen your intuition to enhance your natural manifesting abilities
• How to release limiting beliefs and energy blocks that are sabotaging your success
• Soul contract work and divination tools to align with your highest purpose
• Practical shadow work exercises to transform your relationship with abundance
• Step-by-step guidance for reconnecting with divine timing and universal flow
• Essential practices for working with moon phases and seasonal energies to amplify your manifestations
• Transformative breathing techniques and meditations to raise your vibration
• Methods to rebuild unshakeable self-worth and manifesting confidence
• Sacred rituals for harmonizing your energy with your desired outcomes
• Journal prompts and exercises to clarify your true intentions and desires
Whether you're struggling with limiting beliefs, lack of confidence, or disconnection from your spiritual path, this book offers a step-by-step approach to realigning your manifestation practice with proven techniques that work. Amplify your manifesting power and create lasting transformation in your life.
EAN: 9781763751804