Gwendolyn Bennett - Nocturnes & Other Verse - Bennett Gwendolyn
Gwendolyn B. Bennett - Nocturnes ' Other Verse
Forgotten Poets #16 /
'Nocturnes ' Other Poets' [86 pages] brings together, for the first time, all of the available poems and short-stories by Harlem Renaissance poet and poetry critic Gwendolyn Bennett, published in the 1920s in prominent African American arts ' culture magazines like Opportunity, The Crisis, and The Messenger (1923-28); with numerous restored illustrations by Bennett, also a well-known visual artist.
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-: Purgation :-
You lived
and your body
Clothed the flames of earth.
Now that the fires have burned away
And left your body cold,
I tremble as I stand
Before the chiseled marble
Of your dust-freed soul.
. . . . . . . . .
-: Quatrain :-
How strange that grass should sing-
Grass is so still a thing . . .
And strange the swift surprise of snow,-
So soft it falls and slow.
. . . . . . . . . .
The Forgotten Poets Newsletter presents: new collections of out-of-print and obscure poetry, with a focus on compressed ' fragmented 'free' and 'new' verse from the late-1800s ' early-1900s, ' the early history of English-language tanka ' haiku. Verses are carefully selected ' spaciously laid-out, adorned with illustrations ' ornaments from the books ' magazines they originally appeared in.
EAN: 9781991310262