The guide has clear and helpful illustrations, alongside top tips from some of the best fighters of the day when it comes to technique and ring-generalship.
The guide is designed to be an easy-to-follow introduction into the art of boxing, the rules, techniques and what it's like to attend a boxing gym. The material within is endorsed by America's most prestigious training stable, the Stillman Stable, at the start of the volume, giving it a quality seal of approval.
This 1944 volume is a unique piece of 'advertorial' content showcasing boxing techniques and strategies on behalf of the 'Ben Lee' boxing equipment brand.
Written by Yale Boxing Coach and Sportswriter John J. Romano, it sets out the basics of boxing techniques and ring strategies. The guide also helpfully explains how to make the best use of boxing equipment (especially those retailed by Ben Lee).
EAN: 9781474540674