George W. Carey Works (3 Books in 1) - Carey George W.
- The Chemistry of Human Life & The Tree of Life & The Chemistry and Wonders of the Human Body
2024 Reprint of Three previously published works in one volume. Carey (1845 - 1924) was an American homeopath and occultist known for a number of 1910s Chemistry of Life publications, a subject which he referred to as biochemistry, and particularly for his 1919 publication, The Chemistry of Human Life. His work was a mixture of religion, astrology, physiology, anatomy, and chemistry, themed particularly with a mineral-based theory of human disease. Carey is popular among homeopathic and new age circles. In the context of a person viewed as a "human molecule", Carey was the first to state that a person's body is a "chemical formula in operation."
This 3-books-in-one includes:
1. The Chemistry of Human Life: The Biochemic Statement of the Cause of Disease and the Physiological and Chemical Operation of the Inorganic Salts of the Human Organism and Their Chemical Formulas
2. The Tree of Life: An Expose of Physical Regenesis on the Three-fold Plane of Bodily, Chemical and Spiritual Operation
3. The Chemistry and Wonders of the Human Body: The biochemic statement of the cause of disease and the physiological and chemical operation of the human organism and their chemical formulas; the human temple; the chemical bridge or link between man and God;
EAN: 9781684228997