Liber Umbrarum - Pierini Pier Luca
- Book of Shadows
Liber Umbrarum or Book of Shadows is a complete six-month system of practice for conjuration of elemental spirits, demons, planetary archangels, and the Holy Guardian Angel. The practice is a synthesis of material from the Abramelin, the Key of Solomon and the Heptameron, with elements from the Arbatel, The Magus and the writings of Eliphas Levi. The structure and composition make this a much more viable and practical method than the Abramelin for communicating with the Holy Guardian Angel in the modern age.
The instructions include preparations for the temple ('the Oratory'), daily prayers, clothing, and diet, as well as the rules of daily life and specific directions for three groups of two lunar cycles. This all leads to the ritual of initiation or self-consecration, with detailed rules to be observed for the rest of your life. It also includes construction of the magic circle, and preparation of the robe, altar, sword, pentacle, and wand which are to be used during the rituals.
This exciting and beautifully illustrated Italian synthesis of grimoire texts draws attention to the widespread range of magical groups and practices outside of the popularly publicised traditions of modern magic. In so doing it reminds us there is still a wealth of unseen and important material waiting to be brought into the light, of which this is a bright illuminating ray.
EAN: 9781915933102