Plants - Rebecca Woodbury Ph.D. M.Ed.
In the leveled reader Plants, young readers discover that plants grow almost everywhere, in many different environments. Plants have different parts, including stems, leaves, roots, and flowers. Roots keep plants from getting blown away and gather water and minerals for the plant to use in making food. Stems move water and minerals from roots to other parts of the plant and move food made in the leaves down to the roots. Leaves catch sunlight and come in different shapes and sizes. Some plants make flowers and fruit. Flowers and fruit make seeds that grow into new plants. All seeds contain an embryo that can grow into a seedling and then a mature plant. The plant life cycle is pictured and described. Wind, bugs, and animals move seeds around so they can grow if different places.
A pronunciation guide of scientific terms is included. 24 pages full of engaging, colorful illustrations. Reading Level 1-3, Interest Level 2-5.
EAN: 9781950415557