No More Salt for Tears - Blocher B.L.
No More Salt for Tears is based on the true life story of my mother's harrowing experience as a young teenage Jewish girl, living in Vilnius, Poland during WWII, and her many brushes of near death, while a prisoner in the Nazi's extermination camps.
The Nazi's and their collaborators were relentless as they persecuted, brutalized, lied and murdered the Jewish people of Europe, including my mother and father, and their families. There was no Geneva convention protecting their rights to be treated humanely as any civilian or military prisoners could expect.
No, instead they were treated as scourge and 6 million men, women, children and babies were brutally murdered by those heartless bastards.
To survive you had to be lucky and never give in to the degrading, dehumanizing methods the Nazi's utilized in their maniacal scheme to exterminate an entire race of people.
But one person I'm proud to say they could not break, was my mom, Rochela Blocher.
EAN: 9781737461036