Healing For The Brokenhearted - Etta Lipson Dr.
The book is divided into eight major sections; each section is a subject area that the author has found in twenty-five years of ministry as major areas in which human beings have heartbreaking experiences. People are brokenhearted due to the following:
1. Relationships.
2. Attack of an enemy.
3. Death of a loved one.
4. Money and or financial problems.
5. Divorce.
6. Others rejecting ones call into ministry as a women pastor.
7. The church is being sued and other church conflicts.
8. Failure to walk in eight God-given gifts granting a transformational biblical worldview.
Each section is replete with scriptures that will help readers saturate their spirit with wisdom from God. These scriptures are like medicine to the broken heart. Each section has five to ten scriptures. These scriptures stroke the reader and build trust like a mother cuddles her ailing child. The readers will grow in faith when the precious promises of God are spoken into their life circumstances. “Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). All who suffer from a broken heart must read and mediate these scriptures until the soul feels the love from God in each promise. Believers and nonbelievers must bathe in the bubbles of His love. Believers can be strong in faith, weak in faith, or wavering in faith. But all who soak in the words of the Lord until the heart feels the truth of God’s promises can be changed and grow in confidence and trust in God.
Believers and all who desire the promises of God to manifest in their lives must mediate on the Word of God. Mediation in the Word is about eight divine gifts from God that change man’s perception of the truth from conforming to the world’s view of how we perceive circumstances that hurt us and cause heartache to a transformational biblical worldview that allows us to spiritually embrace God’s will for our lives. God’s plan is to bring peace and joy to us in the midst of trouble. Satan’s demonic strategy is to steal our joy by casting doubt and deceptions into our minds. He wants us to believe we are alone, hurting, and abandoned. Healing for the Brokenhearted shows the reader how to go from hurting and broken places in their lives to the pinnacle of hope in God’s mercy and His graces. The book outlines eight gifts from God and quotes power scriptures in each section to give the reader more authority and power by knowing the truth according to the Holy Scripture.
EAN: 9781635255539