Physical French Phonics - Sue Cave
- A Sound, Action and Spelling System for Teaching French Phonics
Physical French Phonics is an award-winning, tried-and-tested multisensory approach to teaching French phonics. It has been developed in conjunction with school children and their teachers over the course of several years.
For each phoneme, students learn an action, as well as the graphemes associated with that sound. Cheerful colourful cartoon pictures link the actions to the sounds and help to facilitate learning.
The comprehensive, full-colour teacher's guide contains practical advice, activities and guidance, along with photocopiable games and reference sheets.
The free downloadable files contain:
- Video clips of French speakers saying each sound and performing the associated action
- Video clips of French speakers saying and acting out key words, carefully selected to introduce all the French phonemes
- Video clips of French speakers demonstrating how liaison works in practice
- Audio clips of all the phonemes and words introduced
- Attractive, full-colour flashcards and resource sheets, giving you access to ready-made colourful resources for displays and games
- Interactive whiteboard files allowing you to make your own phonic resources to accompany any topic.
Through using Physical French Phonics your pupils will not only learn to pronounce correctly the French vocabulary introduced; they will also gain the skills to tackle any new vocabulary they encounter with confidence.
EAN: 9781783173693