Explore Gratitude! A Naturalist's Journal - Danielle Butler A
- Safari-Themed Gratitude Journal for Kids: Teaches Children Gratitude and Mindfulness
Step into the wild world of gratitude with 'Explore Gratitude! A Naturalist's Journal'. This Safari-Themed Gratitude Journal for Kids offers daily questions, prompts and edulcational facts about the African Savannato foster greater happiness, self-confidence, optimism, a growth mindset, resilience, and gratitude.
Embark on a thrilling safari adventure filled with daily questions and prompts designed especially for kids aged 6-12, featuring 10 captivating safari themes and 70 days of discovery and activities. Your young naturalist will explore a range of emotions, from the highs of celebrating achievements to navigating the depths of their own feelings in just 3-5 minutes each day.
Each day brings fresh and exciting prompts with edulational facts about the African Savanna, ensuring that no two days are alike. From recording moments of gratitude to sketching natural wonders and deciphering puzzles, this journal is a gratitude a safari adventure!
Explore gratitude themes including Nature, Talents, Feelings, The Small Things and Helping Someone. This journal is a companion teaching the art of appreciation and mindfulness.
There's more, Adventurers! This journal comes with a special cut-out map to chart their progress and mark those special moments along the way. As they navigate the wilderness of gratitude, they'll discover the true treasures of positivity and happiness.
Your young naturalist won't be on this journey alone. Safari Savannah, Shutterbug Sam and Wild Will, their naturalist team, will be there to guide them through their adventures.
For the grown-ups and caregivers, a special section is tailored to help you navigate this safari adventure with your young naturalist.
So, grab your binoculars and join us on a safari of gratitude and self-discovery!
EAN: 9781067002947