The Sex Magicians - Wilson Robert Anton
Josie Welch has a body that would make a bishop kick a hole in a stained-glass window. Her appearance at the Orgasm Research Foundation drives Dr. Roger Prong to seek solace between the thighs of Tarantella, the fantasy catering masseuse who saves his sanity about twice a week. But Prong's paranoia reaches full bloom when he gets strange phone calls from a subversive diminutive anarchist (readers of Illuminatus! will recognize that character), goes to a drug-infested orgy at the Pussycat Mansion, and feels the magic of the First Church of Scientific llluminism.
Robert Anton Wilson's first published novel, an erotic romp stretching from a visit to Hassan i Sabbah's 12th century Garden of Delights to the Orgasm Research Foundation's mighty "King Kong" to a party at the fabled playboy's Chicago mansion - all carefully monitored by the omniscient eye of the Illuminati.
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"Adamantly pro-sex in both attitude and behavior, Robert Anton Wilson created an exciting new genre of mystical erotica with this book, his first published novel. The great Guerrilla Ontologist started off his career with a hilarious romp through a Chicago spellbound by sex magic. Wilson cunningly leads the reader into the worlds of conspiracy and magic while keeping the sexual antics turned up to 11."
- Annie Sprinkle, Performance Artist and co-author of Assuming the Ecosexual Position-The Earth as Lover
One of Bob Wilson's first sexpeditions:
He was just beginning his mission
To show what we know
Is as melty as snow
And Schrödinger's Cat just a kitten.
- Nick Herbert, author of Quantum Reality, Harlot Nature, and Physics on All Fours
EAN: 9781952746352