Three Floods - Matt Beckenham
- The Chaos of Rest
Noah's Story: The Second Part
The Three Floods: The Shipbuilder of Enoch
The world is on the brink of catastrophic change, foretold in the coming Three Floods. The first flood, the flood of evil, has already begun, sweeping across creation with an unstoppable force. Darkness spreads, corrupting everything it touches. Yet, amidst the encroaching shadows, Noah and his family stand resolute, a beacon of hope and righteousness. They alone have discovered a way to counter the rising tide of evil, guided by their unwavering faith in the Designer's plan.
The Floods Foretold
The Designer, the creator of all, has revealed a divine plan to Noah. A second flood, a deluge of water, will cleanse the world of its corruption. This cataclysmic event will purge the earth, washing away the evil. However, Noah and his family are not left to face this alone. The Designer has provided them with a means of escape, a way to survive the impending floodwaters. Noah, the skilled shipbuilder of Enoch, is tasked with constructing an ark for his family and animals to restart creation.
But there is more to the prophecy. A third, mystical flood has been foretold, hidden in the shadows of the first two. This enigmatic flood holds a deeper significance, shrouded in mystery and awaiting its revelation. Its nature and purpose remain concealed, even as the waters of darkness rise.
A Prophetic Parable
Within this ancient narrative, the author weaves his own story, crafting a prophetic parable meant to guide readers toward discovering the Designer for themselves. Through the trials and tribulations faced by Noah and his family, the parable offers profound insights into faith, resilience, and relationships. It is a timeless tale that resonates with the struggles and hopes of humanity, encouraging readers to seek the Designer's presence in their own lives.
EAN: 9780645786866