The Reader's Companion to The Year of the Red Door - Murray William Timothy
In the year 316 of the Third Age, a group of men and women compiled a collection of information and resources that would shed light on how the previous age ended and how their own epoch began. Working at the Great Library of Darini, they assembled this companion using records, documents, and first-hand accounts gathered from decades of expeditions. This Companion is the result of their work.
You've read the story. Now read the stories behind the story!
This Companion is prepared especially for readers eager to know more about the history, the characters, the magic, and the world of The Year of the Red Door. Replete with stories, definitions, timelines, maps, and a plethora of resources, this authorized compendium brings together a wealth of answers and observations. Such as:
- Who created the Ring of Hearing?
- What Happened to the Sword of Ethliad?
- Where did the Captains of Shatuum come from?
- How was Robby Ribbon related to the traitor of Tulith Attis?
- How did Billy and Ibin become such close friends?
- How did Lyrium escape from Tulith Attis?
- How did Esildre save the King of Glareth?
- Why are the years named?
And So Much More!
This extensive collection can be casually browsed or read in any order suited to your personal curiosity.
You learn the answers to many questions, such as...
- How did Lyrium lose her Bloodcoins?
- Who were those spirits that haunted the lake at Lochton?
- Who ended up possessing Ethliad, the Sword?
- What did Lord Tallin do to receive the Ring of Valor?
- Why was the Battle of Grisland Strait so important?
- Who created the Ring of Hearing, and how did Lyrium come to possess it?
- What incident brought about the close friendship of Billy and Ibin?
Replete with stories, definitions, timelines, maps, and a plethora of resources. A wealth of answers and observations.
EAN: 9781944320539